Rosacea is a skin condition which most commonly begins with facial redness or flush across your face, cheeks, nose, forehead or chin (pre-rosacea).
Left untreated it can morph into rosacea with acne or vascular rosacea where the skin becomes more sensitive, sore, inflamed, scaly, itchy, the pores become enlarged, pimples and pustules appear. But it can get even worse with bumps, visible thickening of the skin, or red blisters appearing on your nose, cheek, forehead or chin, and rhinophyma.
The symptoms of rosacea, and the conditions that trigger rosacea flare ups vary from person to person.
Rosacea causes. Genetics, poor gut health, and triggers such as pollution, EMFs, spicy foods, alcohol, sun and wind, nutritional deficiencies, and stress.
What is rosacea?
Treatment options
BBL hero
The light energy delivered by BBL will stimulate cells to regenerate and typically with the first treatment you will start to see smoother, more even and vibrant skin. The photo thermal energy will eliminate fine vessels that cause redness and reduce unwanted melanin that produces age and sun spots. Your skin will feel smoother.
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